
2017 is…

The year of PANTONE® 15-0343, Greenery.
The 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation.
The International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.
The Year of the Fire Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac.
The Centenary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
The 500th anniversary of The Reformation.
The Centenary of the Apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima.
The 200th anniversary of Hegel’s Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences.
The 50th anniversary of the first human heart transplant.
The Year of the Daffodil.
The Centenary of De Stijl.
The Centenary of the Russian Revolutions.
The 700th anniversary of the writing of Gulshan i-Raz by Mahmud Shabistari.

Go sweep out the chamber of your heart.
Make it ready to be the dwelling place of the Beloved.
When you depart out, He will enter in,
In you, void of yourself, will He display His beauties.
– Gulshan i-Raz, Mahmud Shabistari


2016 was…

Art & Culture

Some new writing

Art & Culture

Ushering in the Era of Beneficial Intelligence

I recently was commissioned to write an essay for this year’s GOGBOT Festival. The festival theme was Post-Singularity, and my piece, entitled Ushering in the Era of Beneficial Intelligence, explored Stephen Hawking’s idea of “beneficial intelligence”, the Golem, our inherent biases, nuclear waste storage, the Anthropocene, and much more.