Art & Culture My Projects


Visualisation of the word frequency in the Wikileaks cables by itmightbedave.

In the wake of Cablegate (the release of numerous US diplomatic cables by Wikileaks), it seems there is a mini-boom in groups following their example: Brusselsleaks and Openleaks spring to mind, and surely there are others I don’t know about.

In a lighthearted way, Club Karlsson (Center for Counter Culture), the club that I co-founded here in Amsterdam, is having a Christmas party entitled “Karlssonleaks”. Guests who bring a USB stick with their choice of interesting liberated or leaked data to hang on our Christmas tree will get into our party for free. Non-leakers have to pay an entrance fee of 10 Euro (and will be given a chance to fill up a USB stick on site). After an evening of drinks, snacks, music and projections, every visitor can take a random USB stick from the tree as a little Christmas present, and discover the digital treats within.

We’ve asked people to use common sense when filling up their USB keys for sharing: we have all read the Wikileaks cables, seen goatse a million times, and don’t want to be Rickrolled. I’ll report back and let everyone know how it goes — I’m certain there will be some interesting data exchanged.

If I don’t get to blogging again before the end of 2010 — happy holidays!

Art & Culture My Projects

Introducing Club Karlsson

Club Karlsson* is a private club and co-working space in Amsterdam. The Club is made up of individuals from the culture and technology communities. We are cultural hackers.

At this point in time in the Netherlands and the wider EU, culture is undervalued and is being dropped as a priority of government, in order to keep up appearances of fiscal restraint.

Our reaction to “culturele kaalslag”** is to make things happen now. Our mission is to produce a programme of activity that will include exhibitions, screenings, networking meetings, parties, workshops, and more. We do not seek public subsidy, our intention is for our activities to fund themselves.

Club Karlsson is Ine Poppe, Sam Nemeth, Mart Van Bree, Menno Grootveld, and myself. We are having our first event open to the public in our big, beautiful space on the top floor of Keizersgracht 264 during Museumnacht in Amsterdam on Saturday November 6, from about 10pm onwards. Subscribe to our Twitter feed and become our fan on Facebook to be in the loop about our programme. Hope to see you during Museumnacht, I’ll be there at the end, after midnight.

* — What, or who, is Karlsson? A mischievous character with a propeller on his back, as good a mascot as any!

** — “culturele kaalslag” is a term being used to describe the current climate for arts support in the Netherlands. “Kaalslag” literally translates as “deforestation” or “clearcutting”.