Art & Culture My Projects

My (new-ish) monthly column

I recently took on the role of Art & Tech European Correspondent for Akimbo, one of Canada’s most prominent sources for visual art information and reviews. I’ve written three columns so far and enjoy it very much. I encourage you to check out the whole site (if you don’t already).
Lately I’ve written about:
The evolving role of artists in industry, viewed through some historical notes on trends in the US and Canada as well as a recent exhibition at Raven Row in London UK.
The divide between the media art world and the contemporary art world, as a response to a provocative essay on the subject written by Claire Bishop.
The most interesting pieces at this year’s Ars Electronica festival.

Keep an eye on the Akimbo blog for more!

Art & Culture My Projects

Last chance to catch Seeking Silicon Valley

The Curators! Left to right: Curatorial Assistant Anne Babel, International Curator Gisela Domschke (Brazil), Lead Curator Jaime Austin, International Curator Michelle Kasprzak (Canada/Netherlands), International Curator Regina Moeller (Germany), International Curator Dooeun Choi (South Korea).

Seeking Silicon Valley, the exhibition for the ZERO1 Biennial that I co-curated with a group of curators from all corners of the globe, closes in just under a month. The exhibition “…proposes that contemporary art practice can re-imagine the idea, the place, and the experience of Silicon Valley. However, the ZERO1 Biennial is not only about the geographical region of Silicon Valley; it’s about investigating how the process of seeking can create a platform for creativity and experimentation centered in Silicon Valley while inviting contributions from around the world.” The exhibition features the work of 24 artists representing 11 different countries.

Images from left to right: The curators, ADA by Karina Smigla-Bobinski, International Space Orchestra performance directed by Nelly Ben Hayoun, Moving objects | nº 692 – 803 by Pe Lang, Falling objects | positioning systems by Pe Lang, Murmur Study by Christopher Baker, Baby Work by Shu Lea Cheang, FREE TEXT: The Open Source Reading Room by Stephanie Syjuco, Gambiological Armor by Gambiologia.

On til December 8th in downtown San Jose, California! Download the ZERO1 Biennial app here.

Art & Culture

New Aesthetic, New Anxieties — a new book

24,000+ words, seven writers, four days, one book. Download the latest publication in the Blowup series I curate at V2_ by clicking the image below:

Read a review by clicking here.

Art & Culture

Ending this shameful blogular silence

Hello faithful readers,
Nearly halfway through the year it is time for me to end this shameful blogular silence with a few nice photos and a nudge to join my mailing list, since that seems to be the place where I have migrated most of my announcement-type activity to. So go sign up for my mailing list already, over here.

Another reason this blog has been neglected as a receptacle of my wit and wisdom is because this year I am planning two biennales! The first one has now launched, the Dutch Electronic Art Festival. The theme is The Power of Things, and the spectacular exhibition is still available to view until June 3. It features wonderful works by Olafur Eliasson, Philip Beesley, Jae Rhim Lee, Roman Kirschner, Frederik de Wilde, Jessica de Boer, and many more. If you can make your way to Rotterdam, I unreservedly recommend seeing it.

Notion Motion – Olafur EliassonNotion Motion – Olafur Eliasson

I am also busy preparing the next ZERO1 Biennale in San Jose, California with an international team led by Jaime Austin. Check our our artist lineup and get your flights booked to join us there in September!