Art & Culture My Lectures

Urban Media: Interventionist Digital Art in the City

Exiles of the Shattered Star by Kelly Richardson
Recently, I gave a talk at Pixel Gallery in Toronto on the subject of ‘urban media’. I also was on the national CBC radio programme “Here and Now” before the talk, discussing the concept of urban media.

I used several case studies to construct the argument that urban media takes many forms, and often invites logistical and conceptual challenges, but that the rewards are significant: exposure to a public that would not normally call themselves art patrons, and the possibilities of conceptual layers added to a work because of an urban context.

The talk was quite freeform, so instead of presenting my slides, here are the links to the projects I discussed:

The Geostash urban intervention project
The Meta-Parade performance projects
Snout, an urban sensing project by Proboscis
The Transmedia 2000 video billboard project
The Transmedia 2002 video billboard project
The Transmedia 29:59 video billboard project
Fernando Prats at Madrid Abierto

…and a couple of bonus links:
Otherworldly and Best of Transmedia, programmes I curated especially for urban screens.

Art & Culture My Projects

Schematic: New Media Art from Canada

I’m very pleased to announce that this Friday, November 7th, Schematic: New Media Art from Canada will be opening at [ s p a c e ] media arts in London, UK. I co-curated this exhibition and wrote the curatorial essay.

This show is the second part of a two part exhibition. The first part, Schematic: Eric Raymond was a solo exhibition of Montreal-based artist Eric Raymond at Canada House in Trafalgar Square. This second exhibition is a group show featuring work by Peter Flemming (his work, Canoe, is pictured above), Germaine Koh, Joe Mckay, Nicholas Stedman, and Norman White. This group of artists represents a wide range of practice: emerging and established, from cities across Canada, and treating technology as both a driver of the work and simply another tool.

This exhibition showcases the creativity and technological innovation of artists who also act as inventors and engineers, sometimes intentionally, and sometimes incidentally. The works explore our relationships with technology and also highlight the shifts in direction taking place across international new media practices.

Schematic is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, and the Canadian government (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade).

The exhibition runs from 8 November – 20 December 2008. For information on how to get to the show and its opening hours, please visit the [ s p a c e ] website. Once the show has opened, I will post my curatorial essay here and post more information about the upcoming catalogue.

Art & Culture Featured

Two published items

On Curating

I was honoured to be a contributor to a new online publication, On Curating, an independent international web-journal focusing on questions around curatorial practice and theory, published by Dorothee Richter. For the inaugural issue, the editors asked thirty-one curators a series of questions around what topics in curating they would most like to see discussed, about key resources online, and about exhibitions and peers that have influenced them.

I’m also very pleased to be included in Decentre, the latest book to be released by YYZ Books. “decentre is a book about artist-run culture that hopes to describe the breadth and quality of artist-initiated programs, projects and events, the issues we face in this milieu and how effectively we deal with them, that aims to both celebrate artist-run culture and demonstrate the vital role artist-initiated activity plays in the larger cultural scene.” I wrote about the future of artist-run culture as it relates to digital media and audience development.

I know these “what MK has been doing elsewhere” posts are not the most interesting… but at the very least, they keep everyone up to date! Hopefully I’ll post another opinion piece soon.

Art & Culture

Schematic: Eric Raymond

It’s going to be a genuine pleasure (and build yet another interesting connection between my old home and my new home) to be at Canada House in London, UK this Thursday taking part in the opening of a solo exhibition of work by Eric Raymond, a Montreal-based new media artist. I co-curated this exhibition, that is the first part of Schematic: New Media Art from Canada, a group exhibition opening in London later this year. Here are the details on the show:

Schematic: Eric Raymond
Canada House
Trafalgar Square, Cockspur Street
London SW1Y 5BJ
April 25 – June 6, 2008

A solo show presenting the work of the Montreal-based media artist, featuring his most striking robotic and electronic installations. Curated by Heather Corcoran, Michelle Kasprzak and Gillian McIver. Co-presented by Kinetica Museum. Eric Raymond has been active in the field of electronic arts for over a decade, having exhibited widely in Canada and internationally, including the Absolut LA International Biennial Art Invitational (US) and Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria). Schematic: Eric Raymond is part of Québec 400 celebrations in London, and is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.

Stay tuned for photos of the exhibition and further details on the second part of this exhibition series.