
Artist’s multiples and printed matter:
Little Earth Mountain is a label for artist’s multiples and printed matter, founded in 2024.

Workshop Outputs/Book Sprints:
These eBooks are the result of workshop settings or “book sprints”, intense pressure cooker environments for producing new texts.

From the Periphery — an interactive publication created using Twine. The publication examines ideas of centers and peripheries, suggesting approaches to re-invigorate the so-called edges. The publication was created at Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Funchal, Portugal over the course of 3 days in October 2017.

Responsible Technological Innovation — collection of haiku created over the course of a 2 day workshop with the Risk Science Center at the University of Michigan, June 2014. Co-developed with Andrew Maynard.

New Aesthetic, New Anxieties — product of a book sprint I organized and hosted, facilitated by Adam Hyde. Several authors worked over 4 days on the question of what the “new aesthetic” is. Featuring Rachel O’Reilly, Michel van Dartel, David M. Berry, Michael Dieter, and others.

Exhibition catalogues:
No Limit — exhibition e-catalogue for a show I curated of new work by UBERMORGEN at the Kasseler Kunstverein, September 2015. PDF

Blowup Readers:
Under the aegis of my position as Curator at V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media (2011-2015) I created the organization’s first electronic publications and created the Blowup Readers to complement my series of events and exhibitions entitled Blowup. With this group of eBooks I introduced a strategy of mixing old and new content, actively seeking texts to re-publish or resurrect from archives, as well as commissioning new pieces and writing and conducting interviews myself.

Wild Things: Making art for animals to enjoy and appreciate. Featuring Amy Youngs, Wilfried Hou Je Bek, Elio Caccavale.

Every Artist, A Journalist: Taking a critical look at the position of the artist and the documentarian, and the places where art and “real life” collide. Featuring Lino Hellings, Alfredo Cramerotti, Mark Nash, and others.

The Era of Objects: How to respond to the Internet of Things, blobjects, and other weird futures for our physical world through speculative design. Featuring Bruce Sterling, Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, Anab Jain, Julian Bleecker, and others.

We Are All Crew: Celebrating the legacy of Marshall McLuhan in the year of the centenary of his birth. Featuring Derrick de Kerckhove, Arjen Mulder, Gary Wolf, and others.

Show Me The Money: Exploring the relation between money, value, and culture. Featuring Diana Ragsdale, Hans Abbing, Christin Lahr, and others.

Speculative Realities: Part reader, part exhibition catalogue, this reflection on the phenomena of OOO and Speculative Reality is conducted through interviews with Sven Lüttick­en, Rick Dolphijn, Jussi Parikka, and the commissioned artists in the exhibition.

Outer Space as Extreme Scenario: How has the exploration of outer space inspired and challenged artists, designers, thinkers, and the general public? Featuring Regina Peldszus and Alex Salam, Geert Lovink, Benedict Singleton, and others.

New Materials, New Methods: Speculating on extreme projects using new materials and unprecedented methods. Featuring Henry Hemming, Boukje Cnossen, Greg J. Smith, Karolina Sobecka, and others.