Pretty, pretty spam

Has anyone else noticed that their usual stock market spam is getting a lot prettier?

(What a silly question – of course you have noticed – if the stuff makes it to your inbox and into the viewing pane of your email reader.)
In all seriousness:

spam image

It’s almost beautiful, wouldn’t you say? And so distorted that it doesn’t function as a visual advertisement, as such. Though I’d never actually click on it to find out what dismal corner of the internet it would cast me to, I can admire its aesthetic qualities safely in the window of my email reader. Perhaps there is some actual art to be made with these visually alluring spams, much like the poetry created by people who mashed up the ridiculous language commonly found in spam, creating a form known as flarf (which, of course, is a contested term and questionable genre). Also, it has been noted that it seems like the spammers themselves are out to create a kind of poetry in the first place. Perhaps following the Spam Shelley, we have Spam Seurat.

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