I’ve been writing for Akimbo’s Art+Tech blog for some time now. The discipline of a (more-or-less) monthly column is a nice, gentle pressure to look for interesting things around me, and come up with some coherent thoughts on them. Since writing a monthly column I also now have immense respect for newspaper columnists who have to crank out a column a week, especially within a narrow subject area — it is really tough to keep it fresh. Anyway for your reading pleasure, here is a handy list of links to the columns I wrote in 2014:
Nelly Ben Hayoun’s Disaster Playground
Archilab at the FRAC Centre in Orleans, France
Quadriennale Dusseldorf
The Digital Collectible
Going, Going, Gone! Digital Art Up for Auction
Cooking in the Age of Information
The Value of Nothing
The Big Future of Data
A Call to Arms for Craft in the Age of Tech
Last but not least, my yearly summary of the big topics and issues.