E-mail of the week

From: Micheal Teal
Subject: your website is wonderful / thanks for sharing
Date: May 27, 2004 1:09:35 PM EDT
To: Michelle Kasprzak

Greetings from The Ancient One 

Hello Michelle
It was during a pursuit of information in cyberspace that I was blessed to happen upon your special dwelling place. I found that your site left me with a feeling of well being. Well done. May you be embraced by the Heavens and have your path illuminated by the stars.
My name is Micheal Teal. I am a Psychic , Poet and Spiritual Advisor located in Hamilton Ontario Canada on the friendly shores of Lake Ontario. I found your site to be a point of pure truth. Whenever we share of the self it serves to enrich and enlighten. I wish for you a path that leads to wisdom and divine beauty.

May the souls beauty embrace you willingly that you might build a heaven within.

Yours in Peace
Micheal Teal
The Ancient One

2 replies on “E-mail of the week”


I never wish anyone that their way be a way of peace what a great pick me up.

Please to have someone translate this email of week for me – my friendly shores do not understand the hippy language and babblefish of cyberspace does not help me on my self’s journey seeking pure epistomological transfer of ancient’s knowledge to my head. where is this beauty? i do not understand or compute. please help. please advise soon before friendly shores recede and angry mob with lit torches and angry face come looking for sense in the wavy gravy.

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