As a practising artist for two decades, I have worked in photography, video, performance, and more recently in creating 3D printed objects and digital ephemera. Central to my practice is an analysis of systems and technologies, and examining the potential of new forms of transmitting images and sound.
Selected works:
The Crypto Purse Better than your boring crypto wallet, the crypto purse is an ersatz penis, a stylistic purse/turtle hybrid. These real/virtual crypto containers are soon to be unveiled in a luxurious luxury shop near you. In collaboration with lizvlx.
BB, a love letter to the buurt bieb: the spontaneously-organized, multilingual, communal neighbourhood bookshelves of Amsterdam (and elsewhere). BB exists as three components: photographs, RISO prints, and a zine. As part of the Low Carbon Design Institute residency.
Did Andy Like Anchovies? Conceptual exploration of the pizzas in the Andy Warhol Archive and 3D printing.
Lecture-Machine – Performative lectures with voice recognition software and the Stenomask, an antiquated voice silencing device.
Stereotactic – Experimentation with wearable screens and physical video mixing. Collaboration with Michelle Teran.
Meta-Parade – An investigation of public spectacles. Two performances: Pride Parade Toronto and the Grey Cup football parade in Regina.
Immaterial – Single channel video work exploring the compression of 2D and 3D space.
Transmedia 2000/2002 – Single channel video work produced for broadcast on urban screens.
trace 1.1 – A desktop video-performance using Signwave Auto-Illustrator and generative music.