Twittering and burping

Two afflictions of the Web 2.0 age (one not so bad, one truly annoying):

First, the not so bad:

Twittering – Constantly typing tiny updates about mostly insignificant things into a little box for your friends and/or the general public to see using a Web 2.0 application called Twitter. Twittering is generally fueled by a combination of restlessness, narcissism, and the irresistable allure of a moderate challenge (what intelligent/witty statement can I cram into 151 characters?) Of course I suffer from this one, but my updates are not public. If you are a Twitterer yourself, feel free to add me as a friend.

And the truly annoying…
RSS burp – An RSS burp is the inevitable result when someone creates a blog post, and then proceeds to make continual, tiny adjustments to it after it has been published. As a result your RSS feed reader shows it as unread. So you click on it… the author makes another tiny, imperceptible update… your feed reader updates again… you click again (because unread items are a visual nag)… repeat the cycle several times, each time swearing to unsubscribe from that blog (or at the very least, drop the author an email asking them to cut out the RSS burping).

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