ISEA 2006: Favourite Lines

Overheard, from conversations, scraped from PowerPoint presentations… these are some of my favourite lines from ISEA 2006/ZeroOne Festival in San Jose.

“I don’t know if I need a burrito or a massage” – Gabe Sawhney
“Hermetically sealed systems are magic” – Amy Franceschini
“The digital strata are buried and opaque” – Matt Jones
“Did the Canadians throw all the parties?” – Galen Scorer
“This stuff could really sell, you know?” – Garnet Hertz, on the work of Jim Campbell in the Edge Conditions show

I’ll add more as I remember them.

General ISEA update coming up soon.
Instead of writing an ISEA report, I’ll just link here to what I find to be the best reportage on it on the web.

  • Brett Stalbaum has collected some of the best YouTube videos of ISEA/ZeroOne
  • Randall Packer was commissioned by Rhizome to write a report
  • Responses to the Interactive City stream on the iDC list, blogged by networked_performance in three parts: one, two, and three.
  • Canadian artist Ken Gregory posted a few times: once, twice, three times or so.

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